Swipe is OP!

Been looking through my sites recently and realized it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. I want to do some more WoW posts, but I’ve decided to hold on until Cataclysm goes final, as too many classes, spells, etc… seem to be in flux. For instance my old bear macros post is now outdated. Though truthfully bear tanking hasn’t really changed all that much, even now I basically use 2 buttons for single target tanking, and maybe 3 for AoE pulls (but even that’s iffy given how powerful swipe is currently on live). I let my time run out recently, Continue reading


I just put up a portfolio of my most recent — and distant past — projects. As I was nearing the end I started to debate whether to include certain designs I worked on. On the one hand they ARE my designs, but on the other hand they’re very… well not bad, just amateurish at this point in time. Some of the designs I actually cringed when I dug up some of my old screenshots. You know that saying that goes “people are their own worst critics” (or at least that’s the gist of it)? I’m a very harsh self-critic. Continue reading

Summer is Hot

I suppose I’ve failed again to post regularly, but I’m so active elsewhere it seems like I blow all my “energy” there and ignore my poor website. Oh well. I did upgrade stuff in the back and I’m looking at some changes, and maybe trying to integrate my activities elsewhere so they show up here so at least people will know I’m actually around if not posting. I’m becoming bored with WoW… It’s interesting really because this is the first time I’ve raided in all the time I’ve played (off and on over the years) and I’m actually having fun… Continue reading

Basic Bear Tanking Macros

I was asked about what macros I use as a Bear tank, and if I could share them. If there was one thing I wish Blizzard would add to WoW, is make it easy to share macros with your friends or fellow guild members. However if that was the case, then I wouldn’t get the chance to use my site for something other than a random post every couple of months. In World of Warcraft macros can make the difference between an alright player, and a great player. With this post I’ll walk you through briefly how to make macros Continue reading

Why Do Desks Suck?

I’ve been searching for a new desk the past day or two, and I’ve come to the conclusion that they all suck. The company that I bought my last twodesks from — none of thier designs today look even half as interesting as my last or current desk. So I’ve decided to build my own. I want to keep it simple but also build it for me, or rather my height. I’m wondering how best to put together the underside, I would like some shelving or a cabinet or two, but I would also like this desk to be easy Continue reading