So I spent some time working with Whiteboard looking for a replacement for Sandbox. If you couldn’t tell, I was not impressed. At first I was thrilled because it was lightweight, reminding me of why I like Sandbox… But then I started working with it. Man was I wrong!
I’ve decided that, instead of giving up Sandbox, I’ll simply update it for my own use. I’m planning to update it to include support for managing menus with WordPress, and even including an updated dropdown menu setup, etc… I actually have done this for quite a few projects, most recently for where the menu is driven entirely by CSS, rather than javascript. It also fully supports menu management from the CMS, which is pretty fun.
While that is relatively easy to add, I’m also planning to update the default post layout, and integrate support for the 960 grid (fixed and fluid) — basically the idea would be to bring it inline with what I’m looking for, y’know? All while keeping it simple. I’ll probably also add in a css reset as well.
As an aside, I’m quite happy with the integration between vBulletin and WordPress provided by vBSSO. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a secure, simple, and working method to link a wordpress powered site and your vbulletin.